
Red Bird MPhil Program Offline Interview is an essential part of postgraduate selection process for HKUST (GZ), which aims to practice the cross-disciplinary, project-based, innovative talent cultivation model, fully tap the potential of applicants and select applicants with excellent academic performance and comprehensive abilities for admission. Due to the pandemic, online interview was used instead of offline interview over the past two years. However, with the easing situation, HKUST (GZ) has resumed its offline interview component for postgraduate admissions.

Red Bird MPhil Program Offline Interview consists of two parts: the first is a group project activity that evaluates applicants’ comprehensive qualities and abilities, such as teamwork and communication skills; the second is an individual interview identical to previous online interviews, which evaluates applicants’ academic accomplishments.

Specific arrangement

The following are details of offline interview:


Applicants who apply for the HKUST (GZ) Red Bird MPhil Program, pass the preliminary selection, and receive invitations for offline interviews.


Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) Address: 1st Duxue Road, Nansha District, Guangzhou, Guangdong

Interview Format

Applicants who apply for the HKUST (GZ) Red Bird MPhil Program, pass the preliminary selection, and receive invitations for offline interviews.


The first part is a group project activity that evaluates applicants' comprehensive qualities and abilities, such as teamwork and communication skills;

The second part is an individual interview identical to previous online interviews, which evaluates applicants' academic accomplishments.


The first part is a group project activity that evaluates applicants' comprehensive qualities and abilities, such as teamwork and communication skills;

The second part is an individual interview identical to previous online interviews, which evaluates applicants' academic accomplishments.

Interview Agenda

Group Project Activity


with ID card and randomly grouped.


(1) Opening Speech.

(2) The host introduces the activity rules and notices.

Group Project Activity

Group Project Activity(e.g. Carrier-Making Activity)

theme and rules of each session are subject to the latest notice.

Lunch Break

At applicants' own arrangement.

Individual Interview


Sign-in with ID card and randomly draw interview room and order.


Interviewers read interview materials.

There will be at least 3 interviewers in each interview room to conduct the interview scoring.


Interview in order of drawing.

After the interview, interviewees must leave the designated area immediately, collect their luggage and leave the campus.

End of Interview

Staff members collect and seal evaluation forms.